Joining a congregational prayer Zuhr, Asr, Subh, Juma’at, and Magrib

                  Joining a congregational prayer Zuhr, Asr, Subh, Juma’at, and Magrib

Meaning of congregational Prayer. This is type of prayer which involves two or more people. In other words, it’s a prayer observed in group. The holy Prophet mentioned the reward of praying in congregation as follows.
“Praying in congregation attract twenty seven (27) degrees of reward than praying alone”.
A couple raka’ah. It is a unit of Salat which comprises standing, reciting, bowing and prostrating.
Therefore, a late comer is said to have meet a raka’ah if he is able to join the Imam before his rising ruku’u and is said to have missed a raka’ah is the Imam has already raise from ruku’u before joining.
It should be noted that a late comer must stand erect, make his intention, say the ‘Takbiratul Ihram’ before joining the Imam in any act he is.

Relationship between Sunnah and Hadith

The usual source of information about the Sunnah is the report from the Hadith.
Generally speaking, A Hadith could be on any topic referring to moral conduct, current event, historical event, future event, the next world, legal rulings and other topics.
A Sunnah however should be related to moral conduct or behavior of some sort. For example, the following Hadith provide us with a Sunnah.
         “It was related by Anas that the Prophet will pass children and wish them peace” (Bukhari and Muslim).
              It is therefore Sunnah when passin g children to greet them. In another example, it was reported by Muhawiyya Ibn Al hakam.
“By my father and mother I never saw a teacher either before or after him who taught better than Prophet”
“By Allah he never look severe or exusted or revited (AbuDahud, Muslim and Nisa’i)
It is therefore Sunnah for a Teacher to avoid severity and harsheness towards his teachers.
However the following Hadith those not any Sunnah “It was related by Abu Huraira that the Prophet (S.A.W) said the best of you in the day of ignorance

Revelation of the Holy Qur'an

              Revelation of the Qur’an


The Qur’an was revealed by Allah to Prophet Muhammad (SAW) in peacemeal.
Call to Prophet-hood
      Prior to his call Prophet hood, Muhammad (SAW) used to withdraw to a cave called Hira near Makah to mediate and also keep away from noise and corruption in the town. His withdrawal was also because he did not like idol worship which was rampant in Makah. It was during one of these visits in 610 CE. When he was forty years old that Angel Jibril appeared to him and asked him to read. The Angel pressed him hard and still asked him to read, he still said he could not read. He was pressed for the third time and was told:

  1. Read in the name of Your Lord who has created all the exists.
  2. He created man from a clot of blood.
  3. Read and your Lord is the Most Generous.
  4. Who taught writing by the pen?
  5. He taught man what he did not know.
            (Qur’an Chapter 96 verses 1-5) 

The Prophet’s Reaction to the First Revelation
         As Angle Jibril recited the verses for the third time, Muhammad (SAW) repeated them after him and there after the Angel departed. Muhammad (SAW) shivered and panicked since he had never experienced such a thing before then. Consequently,
He rushed to his wife, Khadijah at home.
He narrated his ordeal to her.
Khadijah consoled and assured him that nothing bad would happen to him.
She covers him up with cloth and took very good care of him.
She even narrated the development to her cousin Waraqah Ibn Nawfal
Waraqah informed her that Muhammad had been appointed a Messenger of God.
By this revelation, Muhammad became a prophet of Allah in the month of Ramadan and that was the origin of Laylatul-Qadr, the night of Majesty in which the revelation started.

Articles of Faith (Al - Iman)


There are six articles of faith (Iman). The six constitute the first pillars of Islam. They are belief in:

  1. Allah
  2. Allah’s Angels
  3. Revealed Books
  4. Allah’s Prophet
  5. The Last Day
  6. Destiny (good or bad)

However, we are going to discuss two Articles of Faith i.e, Allah and Allah’s Angels

1.1 Articles of Faith: (Belief in Allah)

However, we are treating the first (Belief in Allah).

Q59: 22-24

  1. He is Allah beside whom there is no god. The All knower of the unseen and the open. He is Allah, The Most Beneficent, and The Most Merciful.
  2. He is Allah beside whom there is no god. The Sovereign, The Holy, The Source of Peace, The Giver of Security, The Watchful, The Almighty, The Compeller, The Supreme. Glory is to Allah above all that is being associated as partners with Him. (Vs.23)
  3. He is Allah, The Creator, The Fashioner, and The Bestower of forms. To Him belong the Best names. All that is in the heavens and the earth glorify Him, and He is the Almighty, The All-Wise. (Vs.24)

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