Importance of The Qur'an and its Authenticity

Qur’an has a member of other names with which is called. This is exidact from the constant of the book itself some of these are
  1. Al-Huda (The Guidance)
  2. Al-Furqan (The Criterion)
  3. Al-Dhikur (The Reminder)
  4. Al-Kitab (The Book)
  5. Al-Tangil (The Revolution)
Importance of Qur’an
  1. Qur’an as the source of guidance: the Qur’an helps us to know about the existence of all creatures of Allah and the purpose for which they are created.
  2. It tells us about the God as the Supreme Being who cannot be seen but who see all things.
  3. It tells us about the Angels and about the importance of Iman and his Accountability to Allah on the Day of Judgment.
  4. Qur’an as manual of worship & living: we use to worship Allah relate with others.

The spread of Islam during the time of Khalifah Ibn Omar

After the journey to Medina and the formation of Islamic states, the Prophet (S.A.W) established relations with other state and sent envoys and delegation to call the rulers of Nation and tribes to respond to the mass age of Islam among those the Prophet (S.A.W) sent envoys was muqauqis the Patriarch Alexandra in Egypt.
            As at the time of the prophet (S.A.W) dead Islam spread to all of the Arabian others his leadership under Khalifah of Abu-Bakr and Omar, hostility develop into scale war and the Arab fired with faith and confidence mission as the standard bears of Islam and scored significance victory.
           Mean while, there was a great opening of trade and (comma between Arabian and surrounding region reflecting the new property among the nation Arabian traded was Egypt. Egypt was as this time under the alien byzantine role. Although many of Egyptians embrace Christianity, their native captive was a different set from that of the byzantine and there was considerable public discontent among the Egyptians, because of the religious persecution by their Ruler. In 639 AC, Amr Ibn al-Asr one of the Muslim Military Leader asks for permission from Khalifah Omar to carry war against the Byzantines into Egypt Amr Ibn al-as obtain Khalifah Omar somewhat reflection permission for his expedition when Omar was in Jerusalem with an army of 4000 in Egypt.
         When Omar return to Medina they realize that Amr mission was very risky and dangerous, A Messenger was sent to Amr to hold his adorned.  Amr recited the bounder between Palestine and Egypt and guessing it content recalled in previous instruction. “If a letter from me ordering you to return back to Egypt overtake you before entering any part of it then turn back, but if you enter the line before the receiver of my letter, then proceed and Allah aid”. It was reported that Amr. Therefore do not open the letter until he was over the Egyptian board, and so consider himself free to continue his adventure.


This is the explanation of Qur’an it is known as Commentary.

Importance of Tafsir in Islam

  1. It helps one to understand fully the meaning of various verses of the Qur’an and their obligations.
  2. A different interpretation and meanings are studied under Tafsir.
  3. Tafsir make defers explanation of the text available.
  4. Confusion and misunderstanding of Intended meaning are eliminated through Tafsir.
  5. It clarify the ambitious verses
  6. It teaches the circumstance and immediate cause of revelation
Origin of Tafsir
Though the Qur’an was revealed in Arabic, the Muslim Arabs and non-Arabs need the Tafsir because Some expression contain in the Qur’an were not known during the pre-Islamic era. 
           In additions, some expressions in the Qur’an which were known have different or peculiar connotations. The Prophet has to explain then by using offer verses of the Qur’an. These is called the Tafsir of the Qur’an by Qur’an itself e.g Suratul Qadr.
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